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March 12th, 2011

Welcome to a new scene! Back with these two who are not entirely getting along much better than when we left them.

I've felt numb since I've heard of the disaster in Japan, so getting this page done was very difficult. Every time I checked the news there was more tradgedy and it's only growing. PLEASE donate what you can however you can! Text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 today.

If you are a Little Monster or just want a different way to help, Lady Gaga has designed an Earthquake Relief Wristband that you could buy and donate an additional sum of money if you wish, but all proceeds are going to relief efforts.

Please vote for me on TWC to see some motion sketches of how a Fire Jiiya moves, and thank you for reading!

- Allison Strejlau

All content on www.ftRebirth.com are © Allison Strejlau
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